Just to let you know,we have...

Monday, April 9, 2012

Saya kupas isu Football Association Malaysia (FAM)

“The peak of controversy ever in FAM”

FRU vs Ultras Malaya

ohhh yeah
never ending chants...

Timbalan Presiden FAM, Tan Sri Annuar Musa, dikenakan hukuman gantung(banned) selama 30 bulan dari sebarang aktiviti FAM dan Persatuan Bola Sepak Kelantan (KAFA) yang bermula 4 April 2012 lalu. Beliau dijatuhkan hukuman kerana mengkritik FAM dan Skuad bola sepak Negara secara terbuka di media. Perkara ini berlaku kerana beliau yang sebagai Timbalan Presiden (vice president) FAM terikat pada undang-undang dalam FAM no 88.- ulasan akbhar tempatan.
Kesempatan beberapa hari cuti selepas peperiksaan akhir dalam bidang perubatan (final year) di Indonesia, menyebabkan saya bertekad nak turun perhimpunan Merah 404 yang diadakan di wisma FAM di Petaling Jaya. Saya bukan turun untuk berdemo membabi buta, tapi lebih untuk menganalisis, merakamkan  dan menyingkap segala situasi-situasi disana. Kalau nak banding dengan sikap pendemo atau ahli demontrasi negara Malaysia dengan negara seberang,terlalu jauh beza, mereka lebih “hardcore” dan berani sampai institusi PSSI (Persatuan Sepak Bola Indonesia) mereka sering merasa gugup dan takut dengan rakyat. Walaupun golongan-golongan demonstran ini sering diperalatkan duit dan parti politik tertentu, tapi kita tahu, tidak ada rakyat yang mahu lihat maruah negara mereka tercalar dalam setiap bidang sukan, terutama bola sepak.
And yes this is my first attempt in journalism photography. Hopefully I can take it as my second degree, Journalistic.
Pada pandangan saya, keputusan telah pun dibuat, nothing we can do because of “you-know-who” still on top of that. Too high to fight, too high to protest. Selagi mereka di atas, memang susah la, dan selagi tu lah Bola Sepak kita masih di takuk yang lama. Selagi tulah kita tengok skuad Negara main bola mcm main petang. Bukan masalah akar umbi lagi dah sekarang, tapi kalau “pack leader” pun bersifat sombong, tidak mahu menerima kritikan dan teguran dari orang lain, kelak binasalah persatuan ini, justeru jangan terkejut kalau bola sepak kita hanya jadi JAGUH KAMPUNG, hanya mampu menang AFF dan SEA Games sahaja.
Kalau kita baca surat khabar Utusan, punyalah mengampu tuan Presiden, memang takda wawasan betul la Utusan Malaysia.
“Tiada siapa di Malaysia yang begitu komited kepada pembangunan bola sepak sebagaimana yang telah dibuktikan oleh S***** A**** S***. Hargailah.”
Pendapat saya, selagi ada surat khabar macam ni dan ada orang-orang macam ni dibawah Raja-Raja Melayu, atau perdana menteri hatta pembangkang atau kerajaan, selagi itu lah sesuatu institusi akan terus gagal. Golongan penjilat-penjilat akan terus mengaburi orang di atas akan kesilapan yang terang-terang didepan mata, itu suatu kerugian. Boleh buka buku sejarah, lihat hampir semua empayar-empayar termasyhur didunia tumbang kerana kesombongan dan golongan penjilat seperti ini.
Bukan setakat wisma ini harus diubah, tetapi sistem yang digunakan pakai yang terlalu monarki harus diganti dengan sistem yang lebih mesra rakyat, sebab bola sepak Harimau Malaya milik rakyat Malaysia!!

siap siaga 

penuh wartawan

they chants for president step down

TRW (The Red Warrior)

Ultras Kelantan

Yes, Berjuang Demi Malaysia

#mencari demonstrasi seterusnya...hehe..BERSIH 3.0?

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Beauty Of Geometry

Your Life Line In Danger

Oh, where oh where can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me
She's gone to heaven, so I got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world.

We were out on a date in my daddy's car
We hadn't driven very far
There in the road, up straight ahead
A car was stalled, the engine was dead
I couldn't stop, so I swerved to the right
I'll never forget the sound that night
The screamin' tires, the bustin' glass
The painful scream that I heard last.

Oh, where oh where can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me
She's gone to heaven, so I got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world.

When I woke up, the rain was pourin' down
There were people standing all around
Something warm runnin' in my eyes
But somehow I found my baby that night
I lifted her head, she looked at me and said
"Hold me darling just a little while."
I held her close, I kissed her our last kiss
I found the love that I knew I would miss
But now she's gone, even though I hold her tight
I lost my love, my life that night.

Oh, where oh where can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me
She's gone to heaven, so I got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world.
Oh, oh

Last kiss, Pearl Jam

Geometry in BNW is really eye catching.. 

Very good song, it always make me .......
ok fine...cried...
This is my first English song that I learned
Around year 2001.
The lyrics is killing me softly man...trust me

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Lucid Lomo Dream...

Who is  Sigmund Freud?
A Neurologist from Austria, who mastering in psycho analysis.
If u in medical school, S.Freud is very popular in Kaplan books.
He develops theory in dreams, bizarre dreams, repression and ego..and so on so on.....

"Part of the dispute here arises in connection with explaining the bizarre characteristics of dreams. According
to those critical of Freud, dreams are “bizarre because of the loss of the organizing capacity of the
brain, not because of an elaborate disguise mechanism that rids an internal stimulus of an unacceptable meaning . .” (Hobson & Pace-Schott, 1999, p. 211)."

After watching Inception for 3rd time..
I start try to live,smell and feel alive in every dream,
Trying to catched and memorized it..it was hard though.

On 6 March 2012...in hot sunny day, going to rooftop,
Try to imagine every detail,and concept in my dream.
I closed my eyes, take a deep breath, i jumped into my mind, very deep,
Started to feel high about it, with "kereteks Djarum Super" in between my fingers.
I take my film (Kodak superia 200)
With Lomo Holga 135 bc...
I watch the sun, try to manipulate every little detail of light that can give an unwanted effects to my film

This what i got...very lucid...is like smoking weed if i'm a painter
From my rooftop

sky is turqoise or green..dafuq

always wanted to take picture of windmill.close enough!

hahaha...i dont know this man

is a time machine...erk

my only and most powerful jamban ever!

Saturday, March 17, 2012


"Waalaikummussalam" he replied instanly

"sudah makan siang? ( did you had lunch today?)"
"hihi belum mas (not yet boy)"

"sarapan? (breakfast?)"
" udah dua hari ga makan ( I never eaten for 2 days)"

"kenapa? (why?)" silly question just popped from my mouth
" Ini, aqua gelas nya masih belum cukup" his Aqua cup still not enough for today. 

Mr As, around 40, collect used plastic cup for recycle every day, so he can sell it 
for a food.

continue to live. He came from Jawa Timur (east Java) to Jawa Barat (west Java),
to find a new hope, a new job and to change his life. He has no family.He was quite 
indifferent to the world running with accelerated speed around him. 

As if he has nothing to do with anyone or anything. It seemed that he has not 
even bathed for many days, nor has changed his clothes. 
He had not shaved for months and hair had also got dirty. 
Perhaps he has eaten nothing for some time.
He did look almost like a beggar but made no sign of begging from others.
It is sad because I'm still incapable to help this poor guy.
I gave him some green paper so he can have lunch.
But, what about tomorrow?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Quick Update ! Lomo Santana

lazy to write
just a bunch of Lomo pic to update...
sempena ulang tahun one of my friends Mohd Hafiz Idris ( 26)
we go lunch at Hanamasa: all you can eat
7 days to big big exam 
penentuan am i competent enough to be a doctor.. wish me luck
ok go go go

inilah birthday boy...dah berjanggut


budak paling gila bedal udang

siapa power cari muka birthday boy dalam ni

my gf mad at me...why?

yes im high..intoxicated prawn

yes still using holga 135 bc
kodak ultramax 400

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Quick Update !

heelo guys..
sorry for very very mery late update
im so busy for last few month
exam and clinics and oncall
so just quick update today
got big exam this whole FEB and MARCH
and as usual...
time exam ni la aku semangat cari gambo...
p/s.... click read more for more picture..alrite

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